Get FREE advice within the next 24 hours about Panic and Agoraphobia
treatment from a New York anxiety expert. Email your question or call 212-726-2390 (NY-NJ-CT calls only) to learn about medication-free
therapy for Agoraphobia and Panic. Dr. Brodsky is a licensed clinical psychologist in New York City specializing in
the treatment of Agoraphobia and Panic. His New York and New Jersey offices are convenient to midtown Manhattan and
the Boros, Rockland, Westchester, New Jersey, Long Island, and Connecticut. You can make an appointment yourself now online or call the above number.

What are PANIC, AGORAPHOBIA, & CLAUSTROPHOBIA? Agoraphobia often, but not always, coincides with Panic Disorder. Agoraphobia is characterized
by a fear of having a panic attack in a place from which escape is difficult. In a mild form, sufferers are uncomfortable
or nervous about something bad happening to them (like getting severely ill, fainting, losing control, or embarrassing themselves)
in situations where they can't escape or get help (like traveling alone to a far away unfamiliar place, or claustrophobia
such as trapped in a crowd, elevator, subway, traffic jam, or driving on an express highway, tunnel or bridge, or a wide open
mall or empty park, or home alone, or nomophobia--being outside of mobile phone service area). They may limit their traveling
alone or require that a partner accompany them. In the most extreme form, these situations might make the person feel like
they will die or go crazy, and many severe sufferers refuse to leave their homes, often for years at a time. Others develop
a fixed route, or territory, from which they cannot deviate, for example the route between home and work. It becomes impossible
for these people to travel alone beyond what they consider to be their safety zones without suffering severe anxiety. Fortunately, there is very
effective treatment for panic and agoraphobia, possibly without medication, and you can be hopeful of overcoming your anxiety
and living a normal peaceful life. Hundreds of studies support that the most effective treatment for panic and agoraphobia
is a special type of behavior therapy, known as "Gradual Exposure Therapy." Gradual exposure enables sufferers to
very gradually overcome their fears and avoidant behavior at a pace THEY choose and are comfortable with, so they are never
overwhelmed. Results are achieved in a matter of months not years. Gradual exposure is more effective than medication or any
other kind of therapy. Medication provides only temporary or partial relief and has side effects; symptoms just come back
when you end the medication. Gradual exposure provides permanent relief, essentially eliminating excessive anxiety and other
symptoms forever and restoring a normal life in which clients are more relaxed and less avoidant. Most of my clients benefit
from exposure therapy with no medication at all. Many people's lives are transformed, getting the jobs and relationships they
deserve but never thought possible until completing treatment. HOW DO I FIND A THERAPIST TO TREAT AGORAPHOBIA AND PANIC? I practice in Manhattan (34th St. & 5th Ave., near the Empire State Bldg. and Macy's), as
well as Rockland County, and New Jersey, and would be happy to arrange an appointment for you or I can offer you a free phone
consultation at 212-726-2390. If you live outside of the New York metropolitan area, you can find a local therapist by contacting
the Association for the Advancement Of Behavior Therapy ( in Manhattan, New York City. Ask them for a PTSD specialist
in your area. If they don't have someone in your area, ask them if they know of a similar organization in your region that
could make a referral to you. Such organizations would have words such as "Anxiety," "Fear," "Cognitive
Therapy," or "Behavior Therapy" in their titles. Once they give you the names, you have to call and interview
the therapists by phone. There are 2 TEST QUESTIONS YOU MUST ASK A THERAPIST: (1) Is gradual exposure therapy the main technique they use? If they don't, forget about using them. They might
say they "talk" about it and help clients "see things more rationally," which is helpful, but that is
no substitute for gradual exposure. And (2) How many people have they SUCCESSFULLY treated FOR panic and agoraphobia? They
should have treated at least several people, the people should no longer have severe anxiety and avoidance, and should not
be taking medication any more by the end of therapy. They should NOT say they just helped people "live with" panic
better. If you can't find anyone in your area, I do offer phone sessions for those outside of the New York-NJ Metropolitan
area. It's not ideal, but it's a lot better than going to someone who is not an expert on agoraphobia, panic disorder, and
gradual exposure. I can be reached at 212-726-2390. (The contents of the Anxiety Hotline and any email correspondence from
Dr. Brodsky is not, nor should it be construed as, treatment.)
BUT THE FIRST STEP IS TO EMAIL YOUR QUESTION TO DR BRODSKY NOW or call 212-726-2390 (only NY, NJ, CT calls). Dr. Brodsky's 2 offices are convenient to the entire New York Metropolitan
area, including midtown Manhattan (on 34th St., close to every subway, bus, and train line), Long Island, Westchester, Rockland,
and New Jersey. You can make an appointment now online yourself or call the above

Buy This Book About Dr. Brodsky's Drug-Free Treatment by past client, Linda Maran |